Tuesday, February 15, 2011


It's that time again, folks! Baseball season! Kelly is gone this evening to his first scrimmage of the season against Converse High School. We've actually had a break from the chilly winter temps of late and can feel the hope that only the promise of spring can bring.

Life moves by fast, and I feel like I've blinked just a little too long, because it's already the middle of February (a fav month of mine, if you remember). We've enjoyed an easy, slow winter. Most evenings have been spent at home, with everyone here with the exception of an hour here and there for basketball practice. We haven't felt this stress-free in quite a while. I'm trying to store this feeling up, since it's about to change here soon.

Claire has been practicing weekly with her school quiz bowl team since she make the team in January. Their first meet is next week. Nerdy competition! Right up her alley! And of course, you've heard my baseball/softball/baseball lament before, so I'll spare you the details (for now).

Instead, I'm pouring myself some mint hot cocoa, tucking the kids into bed and snuggling under a blanket until my Valentine gets home. Hey, it's still winter.

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