Friday, August 05, 2011


Last weekend, Claire and I ventured south for Girl Scout Camp. It was summer camp at it's finest: we slept in screened cabins with a ceiling fan but no other electricity, we trekked through the mud to our bathrooms, we made traditional Girl Scout crafts like rain sticks and sit-upons, canoed, swam, learned archery, performed in a skit, made up cabin songs and had a great time. It rained during much of our time there, which kept the temperatures down but also kept us wet & covered in mud for most of our stay. Four days was just long enough ("I could not have stayed for a week!" - says Claire) to make new friends and enjoy our camp experience.

 The Cajun Monkeys (their self-coined cabin name)

 Girl Scout Flag Ceremony

 Canoeing with a Daisy (younger girl)

 Mom & Daughter (she still likes having me around!)

 Archery ("I want a bow and arrow for Christmas!")

 Nice Shot!

 Sweet friends, being girls

Until next year!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I totally had flash backs to my own Girl Scout camp memories while reading this!