I've been longing for a witty story, a funny anecdote to share, but life has been so busy that those funny moments pass by far too quickly.
Where to start? I know, I'll go backwards. You know, like that great Seinfeld episode where it starts at the end and ends with the beginning...
This weekend was jam packed with great stuff. Yesterday was a great day. Kelly & I lead the College Class and we spent the rest of the morning in worship with lunch afterwards at San Luis. This is our fav mexican restaurant where we don't need to look at the menu, we've been so many times. I'm pretty confident that the Spann Van would be able to drive itself there, it's driven the route over and over.
I headed to bible study later in the evening and Kelly took the kids to their Sunday night activities. We've been working in shifts lately, and I'm so thankful to have such a cool guy as my husband. I also had the opportunity to go to a college worship service. I really loved it, but felt stinkin old since I'd never heard some of the songs we sang.
Saturday was the game opener for Upwards Basketball, a sports program through our church. Claire & Nolan both had 9am games. Claire is a great defensive player, and she's quick! Nolan is still trying to figure out how it all works, but had a great time. Saturday afternoon I headed to our church's annual Princess Retreat, a day-long retreat for 6th through 12 grade girls. I spoke in 2 breakout sessions on the Five Love Languages. It was a treat to spend time with the girls.
Claire & I then watched the Miss America Pageant at a friends' house and enjoyed tacos and a HUGE piece of chocolate cake (while we talked about the size of the contestant's thighs). Ha!
We have a regular 5-day week this week, after MLK holiday last week and a short week for school conferences the week before. Not sure if I can handle it, but I'll try!
Claire has undergone testing for the gifted and advanced program at her school. It began months ago, when she scored high at the school level. She then underwent several screenings for the school board. I had a meeting with the academic and physchological assessors last week who communicated her result. Claire is an extremely bright, talented and gifted girl (I already knew that, but it's nice to hear someone else say it). She scored high all-around and will be attending advanced classes for reading & math. She is so excited and we are thrilled for her. She's still obsessed with all things European, especially France & the language. She just can't get enough!
I've been going to a Body Blast class Mon, Wed & Fri at 6:30am. It's working me over and I love it. Kelly starts team practice on Sunday and well, it's all over but the cryin'! We are so looking forward to the season. Lots of away games, and I've already planned our Spring Break trip to San Antonio. One day we'll take a non-baseball related vacation, but until then, we make it work.
Life is good. The details listed above are an indication of what goes on each week in the Spann Home. Throw in homework, basketball practice, FCA meetings and fun times playing Wii and you've pretty much got the picture.
God is so good, and is beginning a new work in us, in ME. And I'm so excited. Bring it on, baby!!